Cool it! Supply Chain’s Carbon Footprint Quantified

According to the Carbon Footprint Calculator found under the “Fleet Tools” drop-down menu at Fleet News in the UK, there is 11.91 Kg of CO2 created with every gallon of diesel burned. If that figure is accurate then let’s apply it to the number of miles traveled by the US fleet. According to Business Insider a single class 8 … More Cool it! Supply Chain’s Carbon Footprint Quantified

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Is This The Tipping Point of Climate Change?

Change. This one word can create a world of emotions in the human mind. Change. What’s the first thought that comes to your mind and what, if any, emotions does it stir? This is a question that I’ve often considered as it applies to the human effort to address sustainability, climate change or the desires … More Is This The Tipping Point of Climate Change?

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The Supply Chain Is Its Own Worst Enemy!

For as long as I can remember I’ve been hearing about Climate Change and there has always been two contrasting views on the subject. The first is that Climate Change is a natural cycle that occurs periodically either through certain natural shifts within the earth’s atmosphere like the ever-changing shifts in the oceans currents or … More The Supply Chain Is Its Own Worst Enemy!

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Supply Chain’s Required Paradigm Shifts

Setting the stage We talk a lot about sustainability. Climate change, greenhouse (GHG) emissions, carbon footprints and a host of other related topics that bounce around the Internet or become the topic of speakers at countless seminars or conventions around the world and lead us to believe that we’re actually doing something to combat these … More Supply Chain’s Required Paradigm Shifts

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How We Can Eliminate 50% of GHG Emissions from the Supply Chain

Empty back hauls are the downfall of the trucking industry. Once a truck delivers its load, whether at one location or several along the way, it either returns to the depot empty or has to make a return trip to pick up cargo because there was no room on the truck as it did its … More How We Can Eliminate 50% of GHG Emissions from the Supply Chain

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Robotics and Job Security in the Supply Chain

It seems that there’s a robot available for every conceivable position imaginable these days and it can get quite unnerving if you stop to think about it. What human position or function can you think of that isn’t vulnerable to robotic transplanting? Technology feeds on itself and expands exponentially. What used to take a machine … More Robotics and Job Security in the Supply Chain

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